Iceland Ultra World Championship, Sprint and Agoge


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Hamarshöllin Hveragerði, 101 Iceland



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The Sprint may be our shortest distance race, but it’s still a favorite among both new and returning racers. It’s the perfect distance for those looking to start their Spartan journey. The Sprint also allows returning racers a manageable distance to see how far they can push themselves. Delivering 20-23 obstacles over 3-5 miles, you'll never run the same race twice. Once you complete the sprint you are 1/3 on your Spartan TRIFECTA: The ultimate Spartan achievement.

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In the 7th century BC, the Spartans wanted to produce the strongest and most mentally tough citizens on earth. To do this, they created the Agoge, a system of training that became the envy of the known world.

To complete the Spartan Agoge, one overcomes mental and physical obstacles that aim to develop the body, mind and spirit. Most people will need to undertake months of training and self-discovery to earn this coveted achievement.

It is advised that entrants have completed various endurance events and intellectual challenges. For example: a participant may have developed perseverance, camaraderie, and leadership training through the military, or by completing various Spartan Races and Spartan Hurricane Heat distances.

The Spartan Agoge is the culmination of every physical and mental strength as well as everything a person has learned in life. Finishers become innovative thinkers, prudent risk-takers, and expert decision-makers. They will embody the Spartan Code, a code of honor and respect that breeds trust and inspires action. Most importantly, they become masters of themselves.

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  • What to Pack
  • Exercises
  • Gear and Resources

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